How to Navigate Feeling Lost

Have you ever felt like you don’t know what you’re doing with your life? Or that what you have enjoyed doing for a long time doesn’t feel right anymore? But you’re not sure what to do or where to go to move forward from this feeling?

I was feeling a little bit like this a few weeks ago now and I was finding it very hard to get out of this state of loss. I was feeling like my work, my exercise, some of my relationships & my spirituality weren’t really aligning with who I am, what I am working towards or where I want to be. I’m not sure where it came from or if it has been a build up of a lot of things that have been happening, but I was definitely feeling a bit lost.

When you start to feel this way, you start to feel like you don't have a purpose and it can start to get you down. Feeling lost made me feel a bit down, and it is hard to get yourself out of a bad headspace when you’re not really sure why you are feeling this way. It will then channel into all aspects of your life, I started to feel like my work wasn’t helping me learn, my fitness wasn’t growing, my relationships weren't thriving & my spirituality wasn’t helping me be at peace or grow as a person. All of these things are very important to me for a number of reasons. They are important to help me work towards my goals and to make me feel like I have a purpose and have a reason for living. They also help me be in a good headspace and ultimately be a good, caring and giving person. So without them feeling good, I was not feeling good.

Once I began to feel this way about all these major things in my life, I started to give up on them and feel like they were a massive effort to achieve each day. I lost sight of my goals and felt like everything I was doing was taking me no where. This is a really shit mindset to have, and i know this but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking this way.

So, how do you help yourself when you feel like nothing you are doing is serving a purpose in your life?

I decided I needed to strip it all back. Absolutely everything.

I stripped back the amount of work I was doing and really focused on the things I enjoyed about my work and then I slowly began to feel like the work I was doing had purpose. I was managing my time better and ensuring that I wasn’t spending every hour of every day thinking about or doing work. I would make sure that I was getting everything done that I needed to for the day to ensure that things weren't dragging on unnecessarily and becoming draining jobs to do. I made sure once I was finished with work for the day that I completely switched off work mode so I wasn’t constantly in a work mindset.

I ensured that I revisited my fitness goals to make sure that I had something new to work towards and knew why I wanted to achieve these goals and planned out my whole week of training on a Sunday night to ensure I was completely ready for the week and had no excuses to not complete what I had prepared for my week. Zoning in on what my goals are, why I want to achieve these goals and how I am able to achieve these goals was a really important to ensure my focus and purpose was right.

Basically, I went back and revised all these areas of my life and did a bit of a stock take of the areas I was feeling weren't fulfilling me or helping me thrive and grow and changed some things in each of these areas to make sure that I could start to build myself back up again. It’s not easy and it takes time, this is something I need to remind myself every day. I can sometimes be a bit too hard on myself and impatient with my goals. Things take time, however doing small things every day to work towards these goals I have will eventually lead me to the big picture.

Patience & consistency are key.