Terms and Conditions
This website is operated by Purpose Athletic. This website is made available to the user upon acceptance of all terms and conditions. The use of ‘we/ our’ is making reference to Purpose Athletic. By using our website or purchasing our product you constitute acceptance of the Terms and Conditions below.
The information that is given by you upon use of this website may be collected by Purpose Athletic. We will protect all personal information in compliance with Purpose Athletic’s Privacy Policy.
We will not accept any responsibility for any damages or loss arising from use of Purpose Athletic’s service. Use of this website may come with risk, although the risk is possible small. No liability will be accepted by Purpose Athletic for any indirect or incidental images or loss of any kind arising from your use of Purpose Athletic content, information or products made available to you by Purpose Athletic. You agree that your submission of any information is at your own risk.
Purpose athletic do not accept any responsibility for any address errors made by the customer upon order placing. Shipping costs will incur for any orders under the price of $80.00.
In the unlikely event that your product arrives faulty or damaged please contact Purpose Athletic immediately via the email address in the contact information section below.
Returns will not be accepted or available for any used, discounted or dis continued products.
All content including but not limited to text, logos, images, videos and software are all owned by Purpose Athletic.
Prices are subject to change at any time without notification.
If you need any clarification of the terms and conditions above then contact us on info@purposeathletic.com